我们非常高兴地宣布,大元当在2023年SME 100大奖中取得了非凡的双料胜利。此次认可包括赢得 2023年SME 100大奖此次认可包括赢得 “快速成长公司” 和 CTOS信用卓越”奖 ,彰显了我们对卓越的坚定承诺和在行业中的迅速崛起。
The gala celebration marked a momentous occasion where the entire Well Chip team came together to reflect on this extraordinary journey. It provided an opportunity to honor each dedicated team member, express gratitude for their invaluable contributions, and celebrate the collective success that these dual triumphs represent.
As we revel in these accolades, they serve as a powerful motivation to propel us toward even greater heights in the future. We extend our heartfelt thanks to SME100 and CTOS Credit for these prestigious honors, and we look forward to achieving many more successes in the years to come!
SMEs Rebounding Strongly Amid Economic Uncertainty
经济不确定性下 马来西亚中小企业强劲反弹